RF vs IR Remote Controls

February 18, 2022

RF vs IR Remote Controls: Shedding Light on the Differences

As lighting technology has advanced, so have the options for remote control devices. Two popular choices are Radio Frequency (RF) and Infrared (IR) remote controls. Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences between these two technologies.


The range of a remote control is the distance between the control device and the lighting system. RF remote controls have a much greater range than IR remote controls. The average range for an RF remote control is around 100 feet, while the average range for an IR remote control is only around 30 feet.

Advantage: RF remote controls

Line of Sight

Both RF and IR remote controls require a clear line of sight between the control device and the lighting system. This means that objects in between the control device and the lighting system can interfere with the remote control signal.

Tie: RF and IR remote controls


The interference of a remote control is the ability for other devices to interfere with the remote control signal. RF remote controls have less interference than IR remote controls, making them more reliable in areas with a lot of electronic devices.

Advantage: RF remote controls

Battery Life

The battery life of a remote control is the amount of time a battery will last before needing to be replaced. Both RF and IR remote controls have similar battery life, lasting anywhere from a few months to a few years depending on usage.

Tie: RF and IR remote controls


RF remote controls are generally more complex than IR remote controls. RF remote controls require a receiver to be installed in the lighting system, which can add to the complexity of the system. IR remote controls are simpler and do not require any additional installations.

Advantage: IR remote controls


RF remote controls are generally more expensive than IR remote controls. However, this can vary depending on the specific features and capabilities of each remote control.

Advantage: IR remote controls (generally)


Both RF and IR remote controls have their pros and cons when it comes to controlling lighting systems. RF remote controls have a greater range and less interference, but can be more complex and expensive. IR remote controls are simpler and less expensive, but have a shorter range and more interference.

When deciding which remote control to use for your lighting system, it is important to consider your specific needs and preferences.


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